The Rumen and its types

The Rumen and its types

The Rumen Types

Abdominal or belly protrusion (Rumen) is the accumulation of fats in the abdominal area due to many reasons including:

1- Wrong eating habits.
2- Hereditary causes.
3- Lack of exercise.
4-After pregnancy or after surgery.

Dr Tarek Zayid explains the different types of rumen and its treatment methods:

1-Muscular belly:

It appears as a result of the abdominal muscles relaxation and must be treated by regular and continuous exercises.

2-Swollen belly:

It is the result of the large intake of food which leads to the accumulation of fats in the abdominal area.

3-Saggy Belly:

It occurs after certain changes in the body such as pregnancy or sharp weight loss which causes sagging skin beneath the abdominal area.

4-Hormonal belly:

This is caused by an imbalance in the body's hormone levels, which leads to the accumulation of stubborn fats in the body in certain areas as lower abdomen in women.

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